Douglas A. Biggar, ESQ.
Advisory Board Member
Doug is a pioneer of the financial planning industry. He founded one of the premiere financial planning firms in 1979 when the industry was still in its infancy. Doug leveraged his diverse legal and investment background to create one of the first true “comprehensive” financial planning firms, which combined the many disciplines of financial planning under one roof. By catering to high-net-worth individuals, Doug helped grow his firm into one of the largest and most well respected independent financial planning firms in the country.
Doug is currently enjoying retirement with his wife, Cheryle, in Dedham, MA. Doug enjoys travelling, hiking and spending time with his family – including his nine grandchildren – on Cape Cod.
In Doug’s current advisory role, he leverages his over thirty years of successful industry experience, in advising Stage Harbor’s leadership team on the many facets of growing a successful financial planning firm. Doug is always challenging our client service and communication model to help us stay in a constant state of self-evaluation and improvement.
Disclosure: The firm has formed an advisory board (the “AB”) composed of Douglas Biggar, Nicholas Cayer and Wayne Grzecki (“AB members”). The AB has no power or authority with respect to the firm’s activities as an investment adviser. AB Members are experienced businesspersons who will provide business advice to the firm and its principals. The business advice that the AB Members will provide is solely of an operational nature and separate from the firm’s activity of providing investment advice to its clients. No AB Members will provide any investment advice or make any recommendations to clients, directly or indirectly. All AB Members are independent of the firm, and have no position, ownership or other status with the firm, or involvement with the firm, except to provide business advice.